David's Diary: Wednesday, June 5, 2002

School Is Out

Église Ste. Marie
Église Ste. Marie

After two days of hard work on the part of Jocelyn and Kevin we are finished the 2001/2002 school year. We have completed our last term of school work in eight weeks, two weeks faster than normal. At the same time we have traveled more than five hundred nautical miles (nine hundred kilometers) and visited ten different places. It seems remarkable to us what we've been able to achieve in the last eight weeks.

After packing and addressing the final school material, Karalee and I rush off to the post office before it closes at noon. Karalee and I have had little time together lately, so we wander around Calvi's narrow streets until we happen upon Église Ste. Marie. We relax in the cool interior and take in the main altar and the statues and displays in each of the four corners of the church. It makes for a nice break and a good way to start our summer holidays.

Picnic Lunch
Picnic Lunch

When we get back to the boat, Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen have made a picnic lunch and are ready to explore Calvi. We have been so rushed working on school that we've hardly seen the town. We pick up our back packs and walk around the base of the Citadel towards the Gulf de Revellata where we stayed on Sunday night.


The sun is shining, the ocean is blue, and we stop under a few trees on a rocky outcrop next to the water to have our lunch and enjoy the view. We are all ready for some down time and look forward to some relaxing days where school deadlines are a thing of the past. We look forward to three months of exploring the Mediterranean on Dragonsinger. No doubt we'll be as busy as ever.

Returning to Calvi

We follow the shore line walking up and down hills. We stop to look at two windsurfers sailing fast in the heavy wind blowing today. We get a bit lost and have to force our way through low brush before we find the road again. We've only been gone a couple of hours, but none of us has been doing much walking lately so we turn around and head back to Calvi. We walk along the main road, seeing many small houses and hotels, until the Citadel once again looms in the distance and we know we are almost home. What a great idea Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen had and what a nice way to start our summer.

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