David's Diary: Friday, April 26, 2002


Blading Away
Blading Away

Every day we try and have an active recess break. Our breaks range from walking to the market to buy the day's food, riding scooters, or trying out the new roller blades. Karalee and Jocelyn recently purchased a pair of blades for each of themselves. They have been learning how to use them by riding the walkway which lines Palma Bay. Today Karalee took a break by herself and demonstrated that she really does know what she is doing by blading down the dock without falling into the Mediterranean Sea.

Swing High
Swing High

The nearest playground is quite a distance away, so we often leave a visit to it until after school. Allen, Kevin, and I visited the large playground next to Palma Bay this afternoon. Allen loved being on the swings and he was quick to demonstrate just how high he could swing.

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