Britannia 2008/2009 Sports Awards

June 6, 2009

Britannia Secondary High School has one of the highest rates of student participation in organized sports of any high school in Vancouver. This participation is rewarded at the annual sports awards dinner. Students accumulate points for every sport they take part in. As students achieve point levels they win blocks, shields, or cups.

Allen participated in Senior Soccer, Bantam Basketball, and Junior Ultimate. Every team Allen played on made it to city finals. As his first year at Britannia, Allen's sports participation earned him a Small Block. He was part of a small group of Grade Eight students that earned their Small Block.

Kevin finished his fifth year at Britannia, graduating from IB 12. He has participated in sports teams every year during his time at Britannia. This year, he played Senior Soccer, was Captain of the Senior Basketball team that placed second in the BC AA Basketball Championship, and Captain of the Senior Ultimate team. This year, Kevin was the only person to win the Bruin Cup and the Britannia Cup. Both these awards require an incredible number of sports participation points. To top it all, Kevin was awarded the Britannia 2008/2009 Male Athlete of the Year Award.

Allen Earns a Small Block

All Grade Eight Small Block Winners

Kevin and Ms. Seed, Principal
Bruins Cup and Britannia Cup

Kevin and Ms. Tatamir, Althletics Director
Male Athlete of the Year

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